Who Drew On This Baby?


As my wife and I scrambled to the hospital in August of 1998, I had great aspirations of becoming Father of the Year. When push came to push, and our first child Dylan entered the world, it took me fewer than 10 minutes to drop the ball and get taken off the nomination list.

My sincere thanks to Hilary Krieger and Kirsi Goldynia at CNN Opinion for posting that story for Father’s Day 2024. And special thanks also to Susan Shapiro whose classes, guidance, and inspiration have gotten my words off my laptop and into print.

Dylan's Father's Day card to me June, 2024.

Dylan’s June, 2024 Father’s Day card to me. Waldorf meets Standup.

5 thoughts on “Who Drew On This Baby?

  1. Ed, WOW!
    Wow that Dylan created this perfect Father’s Day tribute, wow that it moved me to tears (and I’m not even a father…yet, at least), wow that you continue to be one of the best writers I know! Love to you and your family! Gwen

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About Ed Manning

Father. Husband. Writer. Songwriter. Pianist (careful how you say that). Market research, Technology Biz Dev and Sales. Aspiring (aspirating) Triathlete.