
All Seriousness Aside

I’m back. I’ve been off WordPress for some time, working on a book (completion date December 2022). Given the importance of these midterms, I wanted to offer a few thoughts and a last minute plea to get out the vote. It resurfaces my thoughts from a 2020 post, refreshed for the 2022 midterms. ======================= “I’m […]

My sincere thanks to The Independent for picking up my piece about why Donald Trump, in all his infinitesimal and infantile “wisdom,” pulled the US out of the World Health Organization. It’s hard to imagine that I, a mere recovering jazz pianist (please enunciate clearly), was able to provide the leaked transcripts that will no […]

After nearly ten years in market research, I understand in data-driven detail how social media seduces us. It hisses an irresistible promise of digital notoriety from a pulpit of total anonymity, flattering us with an addictive stream of followers, likes, comments, reposts and retweets. By the time we look up from our screens, we’ve become […]

As I posted several years back, remembering Pearl Harbor was drilled into me over the years by a friend of my father’s. He had been a navy lieutenant stationed there when the Japanese attacked in 1941. His first reminder came as a phone call on December 7th, 1980, my first year out of college. The […]

My thanks to The Independent for running my article about a riveting glimpse of Vietnam – 1500 hundred miles offshore. Click here to read “The Vietnam Veteran Who Taught Me…” With gratitude to all those who serve and who have served.

I’ve had the good fortune of having a recent article published in the Washington Post. It relates a moment when I fielded a somewhat complex late night question from my then 6-year-old son. As I think about it now, I am grateful for the thread that has helped me to navigate parenting, jazz, and life […]

As summer 2019 was just beginning to stretch its legs, The New York Times and the New York Magazine took several potshots at Waldorf Education and The Green Meadow Waldorf School here in the writhing metropolis of Chestnut Ridge, NY. Caught somewhere between “He who hesitates is lost,” and “Look before you leap,” I took […]

Remembering Arvilla Manning (a.k.a. “mom), March 26, 1928- August 17, 2013. With an afterward by my daughter Dylan, who actually gets stuff published. On August 17, 2013, Father Burns began my mother’s memorial service with the words, “Arvilla died a good death.” While I remain a passionate proponent of the adage that the best death […]

My epiphany during a recent call with Sears Customer Service was breathtaking and chilling in its clarity. We had only one hope as a nation and that was to immediately move to New Zealand.  Over 100 years ago, Sears was the Amazon of its time – innovative, disruptive, a blueprint for modern American business. Its […]